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Autumn Statement unpacked

Fiscal Policy
We analyse the main announcements in the Government’s Autumn Statement, explain the real choices the Chancellor made, and explore the interaction between the economic decisions and their political context and consequences.
Climate change and energy, Industrial strategy and business, Paradigm shift, Inflation and inequality

COP27 and 'loss and damage'

Climate Change
This week’s New Economy Brief covers the ongoing negotiations at COP27 and explains the crucial issue of loss and damage: where developed nations pay compensation to developing nations suffering from the impacts of climate change.
Public services and work, Energy, Industrial strategy, Local economies, Climate change, Fiscal policy

Black holes and doom-loops

Fiscal Policy
Our preview of the fiscal policy debate ahead of the Autumn Statement. This week's New Economy Brief explains the real constraints on tax and spending and highlights economic strategies compatible with modern conceptions of fiscal sustainability.
Monetary policy and inflation, Tax, Paradigm shift, Energy and welfare, Climate change

Who pays for the crisis?

Fiscal Policy
As debates over tax rises and spending cuts continue in advance of the Autumn statement and the media weigh up options for meeting the government’s fiscal rules, we explore the debate about how the pain of the crisis should be spread, including proposals from civil society in a new campaign.
Climate change and energy, Industrial strategy, Inequalities,

Towards Austerity 2.0?

Fiscal Policy
As the government U-turns on the vast majority of its mini-budget, we explore their attempts to reduce the ‘credibility premium’ on government borrowing by cutting spending and explain why alternative strategies are needed to reduce public debt and inflation.
Work, Climate Change, Finance and regulation, Monetary policy, Inequalities

Navigating a housing market crisis

Exploring the effect of financial market turmoil on mortgages and the housing market, the political impact of falling house prices and policies that could protect households and renters.
Climate change, Public services, Welfare, Macroeconomics, Industrial strategy

“Clobbered by the invisible hand”

Fiscal Policy
Exploring financial and political reaction to the government’s economic strategy of growth via tax cuts.
Inequalities and tax

Labour's economic programme

Macroeconomic Policy
Exploring Labour's plan for a "fairer, greener future", including proposals for a Great British Energy company, a national wealth fund and clean energy by 2030.
Macroeconomic policy, Inequalities, Environment

Robin Hood in reverse? The mini-budget unpacked

Fiscal Policy
Exploring this weeks' fiscal event and the economic reaction to the government’s new strategy of tax-cut-led growth.
Work, Energy, Tax, Health, Local Economies

The Energy Price Guarantee

Understanding the detail behind government's Energy Price Guarantee, how it will be funded and the extent to which it will support business and households.
Business, Monetary policy and macroeconomy policy, Work and inequality, Housing, Industrial strategy

Green finance and credit policy

Green finance in an era of increasing interest rates. Exploring the green finance gap and proposals for reform.
Energy and inflation; Macroeconomic policy; Tax and inequality; Local economies;

Droughts, floods and water company ownership

Exploring extreme weather, sewage dumping, and the arguments for and against publicly-owned water.
Energy and inflation, Climate change, Work and regulation, Finance and housing

Freezing the Energy Price Cap

Exploring proposals to freeze the Energy Price Cap, assessing their macroeconomic impacts on inflation and comparing policy options to help households and businesses with rising energy bills this winter.
Inflation and work, Climate change, Tax, Macroeconomic policy and industrial strategy, Local economies

Liz Truss' economic agenda

Fiscal Policy
Exploring Liz Truss’ economic agenda, her political philosophy and what a Truss government could look like.
Monetary policy and housing, Paradigm shift and fiscal policy, Inflation and energy, Climate change and finance, Inequalities

Rishi Sunak's economic agenda

Fiscal Policy
We take a deep dive into the political record and economic philosophy of Rishi Sunak, explore what a government led by him would seek to accomplish, and investigate the implications for policies and problems he would inherit, including levelling up, net zero and the cost of living crisis.
Climate change and energy, Local economies and devolution, Fiscal policy and tax, Macroeconomic policy, Monetary policy and finance, Work and inflation

Finance for our Future

Examining the new Chancellor’s Mansion House Speech, the Financial Services and Markets Bill, and proposals for a fairer financial system.
Climate change, Public services, Inflation and monetary policy, Fiscal policy and tax, Energy and ownership, Industrial strategy and work

State intervention after Johnsonomics

Industrial Strategy
This week we explore public ownership and state intervention that emerged under Boris Johnson’s regime, evaluate the government’s ambiguous approach towards industrial strategy, and explore whether the next Cabinet might adopt a more consistent approach.
Climate change and environment, Tax, Industrial strategy, Fiscal policy, Finance

Will tax cuts help the economy?

As the Conservative leadership candidates begin to outline their economic platforms, we explore the effect of tax cuts in the context of stagflation.
Climate change and environment, Work and ownership, Paradigm shift, Energy

Falling short on Net Zero?

Climate Change
Following the Climate Change Committee’s 2022 Progress Report to Parliament, we explore the gaps in the government’s net zero plans and highlight proposals for hitting energy efficiency targets.
Finance and monetary policy, Inflation and inequality, Tax, Work, Public services, Industrial strategy and business

Collective bargaining and the future of industrial action

Strikes, trade unionism, and the future of collective bargaining.
Competition policy and inflation, Regulation and finance, Fiscal policy, Energy and climate change, Inequalities, Local economies

The wage-price spiral myth?

Should workers ask for a pay rise? Exploring the relationship between wages and inflation, the state of public sector pay, and whether we are seeing a ‘profits-price spiral’.
Energy, Finance and climate change, Housing and finance, Fiscal policy and monetary policy

Benefits to bricks: Johnson's Right to Buy

Exploring the Prime Minister’s ‘Benefits to Bricks’ proposal to extend Right to Buy discounted mortgages to housing association tenants.
Fiscal policy, Macroeconomic policy, Migration, Inflation and work, Energy

The four day week

Exploring the renewed push for a four day working week, its critics and the evidence so far.
Regulation, Climate change and finance, Inflation, Paradigm shift

Beyond the windfall tax

What’s next after the Windfall tax? Exploring the government’s ‘Energy Profits Levy’ U-turn, the political and economic fallout, and suggestions for further interventions.
Inflation and competition policy, Fiscal policy, Tax, Industrial policy and work, Inequality and climate change

Business tax breaks and industrial strategy

Industrial Strategy
Exploring the 'Super-Deduction' tax break and calls from business for alternative economic strategies.
Energy and tax, Inequalities, Supply chains, Ownership and housing

The gig economy and insecure work

Exploring insecure work, attempts to unionise gig economy workers, and the rise of platform cooperatives.
Finance and ownership, Industrial strategy, Work, Inflation and energy

Childcare and the cost of living crisis

Public Services
Exploring options for easing the cost of childcare on household budgets: subsidising extractive private ownership models or fully-costed universal public provision.
Inflation and monetary policy, Tax, Business and ownership, Work, Climate change

Corporate governance reform

Examining proposals for corporate governance reform and ending shareholder primacy.
Inflation and monetary policy, Energy, Ownership, Climate change, Local economies

The energy security strategy

Climate Change
Examining key criticisms of and gaps in the UK Government’s energy security strategy, including nuclear, fossil fuels, onshore wind and energy efficiency.
Tax, Inflation, Finance

'Now or Never': The IPCC report on mitigation

Climate Change
Summarising the latest report from the IPCC’s Working Group III on the ‘rapid acceleration of mitigation efforts’ governments must take to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Energy, Inflation, Local economies and ownership, Fiscal policy

‘Is that it?’ The impact of the Spring Statement

Macroeconomic Policy
Exploring the political fallout from the Chancellor’s Spring Statement and the effect of inflation on lower-income households.
Energy, Public services, Work, Tax, Climate change

Fire and rehire

Exploring the mass redundancies at P&O Ferries, the prevalence of ‘fire and rehire’ and what we may expect from the Employment Bill.
Inflation, monetary policy, energy, climate change and tax

Inflation, living standards and social security

Exploring the cost of living crisis, proposals for welfare reform and cross-party calls for benefit increases.
Energy and climate change, Public services and inequalities, Migration, Finance

'An atlas of human suffering': the IPCC climate impacts report

Climate Change
Exploring the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest report on climate impacts, its key findings and the latest commentary.
Energy and Inflation, Regulation, Public services, Fiscal policy

Energy security after the invasion of Ukraine

Climate Change
Exploring the debate on energy security following the invasion of Ukraine, including renewed calls for increased fossil fuel extraction and the national security case for expanding the renewables sector.
Trade and monetary policy, Immigration, Fiscal policy and tax

Economic crime and Russian assets in the UK

Exploring economic sanctions against Russia, the problem of 'dirty money' in the UK and proposals for reform.
Welfare, Work and ownership, Climate change and international cooperation, Public services and housing, Industrial strategy and local economies, Fiscal policy

The Government’s financial regulation agenda

Examining the government's Future Regulatory Framework and 'competitiveness' agenda for financial services
Inflation, Climate change and energy, Housing, Industrial strategy, Fiscal policy

The Levelling Up White Paper

Local Economies
Exploring the Levelling Up White Paper, the 12 missions, the scale of funding allocated, the proposals for devolution, ‘community covenants’ and more.
Energy and inflation, Macroeconomics, Regulation and Brexit, Work, Paradigm shift

Labour shortages, benefit sanctions and 'Way to Work'

Exploring the 'Way to Work' campaign and alternative proposals to reform the social security system.
Regulation, Energy, Housing, Inflation, Tax

Digital currencies

Explaining the arguments for and against central bank digital currencies, the scale of cryptocurrencies' carbon footprint, and the geopolitics of private 'stablecurrencies'.
Inflation and energy, Poverty and social security, Macroeconomics, Local economies and housing, Environment and climate change

House price inflation

Exploring the rise in house prices, the effect on the cost of living and inequality, and possible solutions including building more homes, a Bank of England house inflation target and rent controls.
Inflation and energy, Tax and inequalities, Work, Local economies, Climate change, Regulation and competition policy

The cost of living crisis and price controls

Macroeconomic Policy
Exploring the cost of living crisis, including proposals to control energy prices and the wider economic debate over whether price controls are a useful tool to ensure the affordability of essential goods.
Covid-19 and work, Devolution and local economies, Inequalities, Climate change, Fiscal policy, Ownership

New economic policy in Scotland and Wales

Exploring new economy initiatives in Scotland and Wales, including the SNP-Green Scottish government budget, community wealth building and Universal Basic Income.
Inequalities and migration, Work and welfare, Housing and taxation, Climate change and environment, Macroeconomic policy


Analysing the debate over creating a low-tax, low-regulation, economic model for the UK, the impact of the pandemic, and levels of support in government and business.
Ownership, Climate change, Local economies and devolution, Tax and macroeconomic policy, Public services and social care

The Omicron Variant

Analysing the implications of the Omicron variant: travel bans, vaccine equity and new ways of working.
Migration, Climate change and environment, Tax and fiscal policy, Work and welfare, Paradigm shift

The Integrated Rail Plan

Local Economies
Examining the Integrated Rail Plan and proposals for fiscal rules to unlock public investment.
Public services and welfare, Fiscal policy and industrial strategy, Inflation and monetary policy, Finance and competition policy, Climate change, Paradigm shift

COP26: The Glasgow Climate Pact

International Cooperation
Examining the COP26 agreement: emissions cuts, fossil fuels, finance, loss and damage, and carbon markets.
Local economies, Inequalities and migration, Environment, Industrial strategy, Macroeconomics and finance

COP26 week 1: is 1.5°C still alive?

International Cooperation
Examining the side agreements made so far at the COP26 climate summit and assessing whether they can close the emissions gap.
Finance, Digital platforms, Climate change

The Autumn Budget and Spending Review

Fiscal Policy
"Austerity is over, but not undone." Analysing the Autumn Budget and Spending Review.
International cooperation and climate change, Finance, Work, Local economies and housing

The UK's Net Zero Strategy

Climate Change
Analysing the UK Government's Net Zero Strategy, Heat and Buildings Strategy and Net Zero Review.
Fiscal policy, Work, Housing, Tax, Wellbeing and paradigm shift

Inflation: who gains, who loses?

Macroeconomic Policy
Exploring the sources of inflation and its impacts on different groups.
Climate change, Public services, Fiscal policy, Housing and work, Trade, Local economies

The Facebook files: regulating digital platforms

Digital Platforms
Examining the accusations of Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower, and the options for regulating digital platforms.
Industrial strategy, Paradigm shift, International cooperation and tax, Monetary policy and finance, Local economies and public services

The Conservatives' economic programme

Macroeconomic Policy
Examining the Conservatives' economic programme outlined in Chancellor Rishi Sunak's speech to the Conservative Party Conference.
Poverty and climate change, Local economies, Tax, Industrial strategy and work

Labour's economic programme

Industrial Strategy
Examining the economic policies, and their origins, announced at the Labour Party Conference.
Fiscal policy and macroeconomics, Industrial strategy, Housing and local economies

'Levelling up' and regional inequality

Local Economies
Exploring tests for the 'levelling up' agenda and proposals to address regional inequality through decentralisation and devolution.
Supply chains and climate change, Tax, Work and macroeconomic policy, Paradigm shift

Decarbonisation and industrial strategy

Climate Change
Examining efforts to create jobs and new industries while driving down emissions.
Inequalities and welfare, Finance, Climate change and international cooperation, Ownership

Taxing wealth

Examining options to increase the taxation of wealth.
Work and welfare, Climate change and trade, Inequalities and migration, Paradigm shift

New economic thinking

Paradigm Shift
New economic theory and policy shows how deep economic reform is needed to achieve a fair, sustainable and resilient economy, challenging much of the economic orthodoxy of the last 40 years.
Fiscal policy, Inequalities, Work and industrial strategy, Climate change, Local economies

Universal Credit and welfare innovation

Examining proposals for structural reform of Universal Credit and policy innovations from the UK's devolved nations.
Climate change and industrial strategy, Business and competition policy, Tax and monetary policy, Trade, Local economies

New competition policy

Competition Policy
The new competition policy being pioneered in the US and proposals for regulating monopolies in the UK.
Housing, Work, Local economies, Finance, Macroeconomics, International cooperation and Covid-19

"Code red for humanity": the IPCC report

Climate Change
Exploring the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 6th comprehensive assessment of climate science and the economic implications of rapid decarbonisation.
International cooperation, Environment, climate change and inequality, Tax, Industrial strategy

Labour shortages

Exploring the causes of, and solutions to, the labour shortages emerging in key sectors of the economy.
Work and poverty, Housing and ownership, Industrial strategy, Monetary policy, Climate change, Wellbeing

How should social care be paid for?

The various options available to the government to fund and fix the ongoing crisis in social care.
Trade, environment and climate change, Work, Welfare, Finance and monetary policy, Industrial strategy, Business and competition policy

Just transitions

Climate Change
Proposals for bringing about a just transition to net zero and the National Food Strategy.
Local economies and devolution, Monetary policy and finance, Health and Covid-19, Fiscal policy and public services

Fiscal risks and net zero

Fiscal Policy
Exploring the OBR's Fiscal Risks report and the potential effects of the transition to net zero on the public finances.
Monetary policy and finance, Welfare and poverty, Environment, climate change and industrial strategy, Business and ownership, Health and Covid-19

Industrial strategy after Brexit

Industrial Strategy
Exploring the UK's proposed state-aid regime and comparing it to an emerging global consensus about industrial strategy.
Climate change, Finance and regulation, Local economies and ownership, Health, work and wellbeing, Welfare

A trade union renaissance?

Exploring the role trade unions can play in recovery from the pandemic
Inequalities and public services, Environment and climate change, Work,

The return of inflation?

Macroeconomic Policy
The debate over inflation and whether monetary policy needs to be tightened to pre-empt its return.
Welfare and work, Environment, climate change and finance, Trade and migration, Tax, Local economies, Public services and paradigm shift

The G7 Summit

International Cooperation
Looking at the outcomes of the G7 Summit; vaccines for the Global South, climate finance, debt relief and economic recovery.
Local economies, Finance, Climate change and industrial strategy, Work, Welfare, Trade

Trade deals

Analysing recent trade deals with the European Economic Area and Australia.
International cooperation, Devolution and local economies, Climate change, Finance, Work, Fiscal policy

Landmark report on energy

Climate Change
Examining the International Energy Agency's groundbreaking report calling for an end to fossil fuel production expansion
Environment and climate change, Work and inequalities, Ownership, Fiscal policy, Health and Covid-19, Local economies

A 'careless' Queen's speech

Public Services
Following the lack of announcements on adult social care and childcare in the Queen's speech, we examine the crises in care, blocks to progress and proposals for reform.
Democracy, Environment and climate change, Welfare, public services and inequalities, Housing, Macroeconomic policy

After the local elections

Local Economies
Curating analysis following the local elections on what new elected officials can do at the local/devolved level, class, and town-focussed Conservatism.
Covid-19, Housing and ownership, Environment and climate change, Tax, Monetary policy and finance

Local action for a new economy

Local Economies
Examining the action being taken at local level to build a fairer and more resilient economy.
Environment, Work, Health and Covid-19, International cooperation and migration, Fiscal policy, Paradigm shift

Climate targets and Biden's summit

Climate Change
Recent developments in climate diplomacy, covering the UK's new emissions target, Biden's summit and climate plans, critiques and alternatives to net zero targets, and international climate justice.
Work and industrial strategy, Fiscal policy and tax, Business and regulation, Housing and ownership, Covid-19 and inequalities, Climate change

Outsourcing, procurement and transparency

Public Services
The media debate surrounding Greensill and longer-term issues regarding the relationship between government and the private sector.
Business and ownership, Environment and climate change, Housing, Regulation and finance, Work, inequalities and Covid-19, Industrial strategy and fiscal policy


Macroeconomic Policy
Biden's new tax and infrastructure plans and the broader argument that a New Deal-scale paradigm shift is underway in American economic policymaking.
Environment, Finance and industrial strategy, Work and inequalities, International cooperation, Covid-19 and tax, Migration

Rethinking global supply chains

Bringing together evidence on the fragility, exploitation and inequality within global supply chains and examining proposals to address these issues.
International cooperation, Tax, Local economies, Environment and climate change, Digital platforms, work and poverty, Public services, health and industrial strategy

Strengthening the social safety net

Examining proposals for strengthening the social safety net in light of a new, cross-party commission on social security headed up by think tank Bright Blue.
Paradigm shift and macroeconomics, Environment and climate change, Industrial strategy, Digital platforms and work, Ownership and corporate governance, Health, Covid-19 and public services

Gender inequality during the pandemic

Examining gender inequality during Covid-19, covering data on wellbeing and socioeconomic inequalities, the uneven burden of care, new gender-analysis of the March Budget, care-led recovery plans and violence against women and girls (VAWG).
Environment and climate change, Local economies, Industrial strategy, Covid-19 and health, Trade and regulation, Welfare and public services

Post-Budget analysis

Fiscal Policy
The key issues in the March Budget - including support for businesses and households, taxation and the super-deduction, fiscal stimulus and more.
Finance and climate change, Ownership, Fiscal policy, Inequalities, work and welfare, Trade

The March Budget

Fiscal Policy
The key debates ahead of the March Budget - including corporation tax, support for businesses and households and environmental measures.
Inequalities and public services, Climate change, Health and Covid-19, Digital platforms, work and finance, Industrial strategy

Biden's rescue plan

Macroeconomic Policy
US President Biden's proposed American Rescue Plan and the wider implications for macroeconomic debates.
Digital platforms and competition policy, Environment and climate change, Local economies, Poverty and inequalities

Tax and the recovery

The role taxation could play in our recovery from coronavirus.
Inequalities, Climate change, Work, Health and Covid-19, Monetary policy

The Dasgupta Review of the Economics of Biodiversity

The debate around the Dasgupta Review, a landmark report on the relationship between economics and the protection of nature.
Fiscal policy, Housing, business and ownership, Industrial strategy, Health, Covid-19 and public services, Local economies and poverty, International cooperation

Understanding the GameStop episode

The GameStop episode, the political narratives surrounding it, and the potential fallout.
Environment and climate change, Inequalities, Work, Housing, Covid-19, Tax

Britannia Unchained? Deregulation after Brexit

The government's approach to post-Brexit deregulation.
Work and welfare, Environment and climate change, Devolution and local economies, Covid-19

Macroeconomic policy in 2021

Macroeconomic Policy
Examining developments in the debates around fiscal and monetary policy.
Tax, Poverty, Finance, Work, Environment, Regulation

The third lockdown

The UK’s third lockdown and policies that might protect British households and businesses.
Climate, Inequalities, Tax, Trade, Local economies