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The seventh carbon budget

Climate Change
This week, we unpack the CCC’s recommendations, the outlook for net zero and why public investment is key to reaching climate change targets.
Tax, Fiscal policy and international cooperation, Inflation and monetary policy, Industrial strategy and public services, Paradigm shift

AI and energy use

Digital Platforms
Exploring the environmental implications of AI systems, post-DeepSeek.
Energy, Tax and Finance, Local economics and Public services, Inflation

The economic backdrop to the German election

Macroeconomic Policy
This week, we explore the economic backdrop to the German election and the economic policies of the many political parties contesting Sunday’s vote.
Regulation, Monetary policy, Housing,

Tackling rising child poverty

This week we look at why child poverty is rising in the UK, and what can be done to fix it.
Energy, Digital platforms, Local economies, Poverty

A Global Trade War?

This week, we explore the potential international economic impacts of Trump’s tariffs, the possible consequences for the UK, and the need for a progressive conversation on trade protections.
Climate change, Fiscal policy, Digital platforms, Housing

The consequences of extreme wealth

This week’s New Economy Brief looks at the state of extreme wealth, its consequences on democracy and what governments can do about it.
Work, Poverty, Finance, Fiscal policy

'Turbocharging AI' ... safely

Digital Platforms
Exploring the potential impact of AI, whether the government is ready for the regulatory challenges it will bring, and the threat it could pose to jobs.
Industrial strategy, Inflation, Energy, Paradigm shift, Housing

The Spanish Success Story

This week we look into Spain’s economic recovery and how progressive policies helped bring it about.
Fiscal policy, Industrial strategy, Climate change, Energy, Inflation and housing

Another winter crisis, another plan: NHS reform in 2025

This week's New Economy Brief explores the government's new plans to reduce NHS waiting lists.
Regulation, Monetary policy, Trade, Public services, Climate change

Living Standards and the Plan for Change

This week, we look into the detail of the government's new Plan for Change and why living standards have become a top priority.
Welfare, Finance, Public services, Housing, Fiscal policy

Trump’s victory (part two)

Macroeconomic Policy
This week, we explore what Trump’s second term might mean for the global economy, climate change and progressive governments.
Energy and Monetary policy, Industrial strategy, Ownership and Local economies, Housing, Digital platforms

Climate finance at COP29

Climate Change
This week's New Economy Brief explores the main focus of this year's COP: the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance.
Housing, Work, Local economies, Inequalities, Public services

The Chancellor's plan for pension reform

Making the government's pension reform plans more ambitious could ensure that pension funds not only give savers a better deal but also direct more of their capital towards green and socially useful investment.
Fiscal policy, Energy, Tax, Industrial strategy

Trump's victory (part one)

Macroeconomic Policy
This week, we look how the economy drove Trump’s election win and what he is actually proposing to do about it.
Tax and climate change, Industrial strategy and international cooperation, Fiscal policy, Paradigm shift, Monetary policy and inflation

Badenomics begins?

Macroeconomic Policy
What do we know about Kemi Badenoch's economics? This week, we look at the economic approach we could see from the new Conservative leader.
Fiscal policy, Tax, Housing, Work, Climate change and environment, Energy

A tale of two Budgets

Fiscal Policy

A cost of living Budget?

This week, we look at the living standards context ahead of this week’s budget, and why the cost of living crisis must be a priority for the Chancellor.
Fiscal policy, Tax, Welfare, Public services, Finance, Climate change and industrial strategy

The Employment Rights Bill

What can we expect from the Employment Rights Bill? We explore the government’s plan to improve workers’ rights and whether it goes far enough.
Tax, Industrial strategy, Fiscal policy, Housing, Climate change

Defining public debt

Fiscal Policy
What options does the Chancellor have for redefining public debt to create more fiscal space for investment? And could these reforms signal the end of austerity economics?
Climate change, Energy, Tax, Work, Public services

Non-doms and capital flight

This week we dig into the debate around the non-dom tax regime and outline the economic case for ambitious reform.
Welfare, Industrial strategy and fiscal policy, Tax

A shift in the fiscal debate?

Fiscal Policy
A deep dive into the political economy of public investment, and explores a new campaign seeking to reform the UK’s fiscal framework: Invest in Britain.
Ownership, Housing, Inequality, Public services, Finance

Fixing regional wealth inequality

This week, we explore how the tax system could be entrenching regional inequalities and the reforms which could help to rebalance regional economic divides.
Industrial strategy, Paradigm shift, Work, Fiscal policy

Climateflation and monetary policy

Monetary Policy
Exploring a recent paper from the Network for Greening the Financial System on how monetary policymakers should respond to ‘climateflation’.
Fiscal policy, Work, Tax, Industrial strategy, Housing

What is Kamalanomics?

Paradigm Shift
This week's New Economy Brief examines the economic policy proposals that emerged from last week's Democratic National Convention and maps out how a Harris victory in November could continue the turn away from neoliberalism.
Environment, Tax, Work, Inequality, Energy

Securing decent pensions

As the government embarks on a pensions review, we explore proposals for improving pension adequacy.
Work, Tax, Energy, Paradigm shift

France’s New Popular Front

Paradigm Shift
The New Popular Front were surprise winners of the recent French elections, but what was their offer to voters? This week’s New Economy Brief looks at the new economic ideas of the largest bloc in the French parliament.
Inequality, Monetary policy, Housing, Industrial strategy, Energy,

A global wealth tax blueprint

This week, we explore a proposal for a global wealth tax and the likelihood of its implementation.
Fiscal policy, Industrial strategy, Climate change, Inequality

Making missions possible

Paradigm Shift
The government says it is ‘mission-driven’ - but what does this mean? We explore how the government is putting missions into practice what it could mean for policy making.
Energy, Fiscal policy

The role of the OBR

Fiscal Policy
Exploring the role the OBR plays in our political and economic debate. Could a modest tweak to the ‘fiscal lock’ ensure proper scrutiny of the government's climate plans?
Inequalities, Energy, Climate change, Competition policy, Welfare

The National Wealth Fund, 'de-risking' and conditionality

Industrial Strategy
A deep dive into ‘de-risking’ and important things to look out for as Labour announces more detail on its policies to grow and decarbonise the UK economy.
Ownership, Paradigm shift, Tax, Fiscal policy

Delivering the 'decade of national renewal'

Fiscal Policy
We look at the economic inheritance the Conservatives have bequeathed Labour and suggest a few policy areas where there might be more scope for action now the election is behind us.
Finance, Inequality, Fiscal policy, Energy

The public’s verdict on the economy?

Paradigm Shift
This week, we explore how public opinion on the economy has shaped the election so far and what, if anything, it can tell us about what’s to come.
Election round-up

We need to talk about the Bank of England

Monetary Policy
Exploring the case for changing the UK’s macroeconomic framework and highlighting some forward-thinking proposals for a new monetary policy regime.
Election Roundup

A poverty of ideas?

Many campaigners have highlighted the main parties’ failure to put forward detailed plans to tackle poverty. This week, we explore what the next Government could do to reduce poverty and what, if anything, a Starmer-led government could learn from the last Labour administration.
Election Roundup

Manifesto highlights from smaller parties

Paradigm Shift
Exploring a few economic highlights from the manifestos of the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, Scottish National Party (SNP), Reform and Plaid Cymru, and some areas of potential challenge to the next government.
Election Roundup

The Labour Manifesto

Paradigm Shift
A ‘Ming vase’ manifesto? This week, we explore the key themes of Labour’s manifesto as well as some of its main challenges.
In case you missed it

The Conservative Manifesto

Paradigm Shift
A clear plan? This week we unpack the Conservative manifesto and explore its key economic policy proposals.
Election round-up

Spotlight on tax

This week we explore what the parties are saying on tax, and run the rule over a variety of taxes the next government could use, some of them championed by smaller parties.
Election Roundup

“The conspiracy of silence” on fiscal policy

Fiscal Policy
Is there a ‘conspiracy of silence’? This week, we clarify the fiscal inheritance of the next government and outline the options available to avoid austerity-style cuts.
Election round-up

Political energy?

Climate Change
Energy insecurity has been a key driver of the cost of living crisis and is a top priority for voters. This week, we unpick the general election debate on energy.
Election updates

The battle for economic security

Examining the different ways both major parties are proposing to create a more secure economy and improve the resilience of the voters' personal finances.
Election Roundup

How can the next government end the cost of living crisis?

Is the cost of living crisis over? This week, we explore why falling inflation isn’t translating to higher living standards.
Industrial strategy, Local economies, Regulation, Public services, Business

What’s next for conservative economics?

Paradigm Shift
As the right of British politics wrestles with its economic principles, we unpack a new Onward report on the future of conservative economics.
Macroeconomic policy, Finance, Energy, Fiscal policy, Devolution, Trade

Workers’ rights and economic performance

This week’s New Economy Brief explores the evidence for the wider economic impact of trade unions, including how stronger collective bargaining rights and working conditions can be good for both workers and businesses, and can help build a stronger UK economy.
Local economies, Energy, Business and work, Tax and climate change

Nature degradation and the economy

Should economists be thinking about nature? This week, we unpack the Green Finance Institute’s new report on the cost of nature degradation and what, if anything, we can do about it.
Fiscal policy and tax, Industrial strategy and climate change, Finance

Quantitative Tightening and government spending power

Macroeconomic Policy
This week’s New Economy Brief provides a simple explainer of quantitative easing (QE) and tightening (QT), and explores the options available to mitigate huge losses for the taxpayer.
Climate change, Inflation, Inequality, Industrial strategy, Housing, Energy

Farming protests and the future of food

Supply Chains
This week, we explore the rise in farmer protests, the ownership of food, and the future of agriculture in a changing climate.

The global sovereign debt crisis

This week’s New Economy Brief explores the drivers of debt dependency for developing countries and a unique opportunity for a UK law to help developing countries escape the debt trap.
Public services, Fiscal policy, Work

The childcare crunch

Public Services
As the government extends childcare provision, we explore the limitations of the new policy and how improving childcare fits into the bigger economic policy picture.
Work, Fiscal policy, Housing, Inflation, Energy, Local economies

Closing the green skills gap

Climate Change
Decarbonisation takes new skills, and the UK is in a training and education crisis. This week’s New Economy Brief explores the roots of the ‘green skills gap’ and outlines some potential solutions.
Inflation and tax, Inequality, Climate change and monetary policy

Public-Common Partnerships

Local Economies
Could 'Public-Common Partnerships' be the answer to our economic and democratic crises? This week, we explore proposals for a new model of ownership and community wealth building.
Work, Housing, Industrial strategy, Poverty

Greedflation in the US and UK

This week’s New Economy Brief rounds up the evidence on ‘greedflation’ in the US and UK and asks why the inflation debate is so different on each side of the Atlantic.
Fiscal policy, Welfare, Industrial strategy, Paradigm shift

Budget breakdown

Fiscal Policy
This week, we explore the detail, politics and implications of the Chancellor's Spring Budget.
Monetary policy, Housing, Macroeconomics, Fiscal policy

Bond villains?

This week’s New Economy Brief explores the relationship between bond markets and fiscal policy, and examines what actually happened in financial markets after the 2022 'mini-budget'.
Energy, Climate change, Tax, Local economies

The backdrop to the Budget

Fiscal Policy
With the Budget on 6th March fast approaching, this week’s New Economy Brief looks at the economic and political backdrop, unpacks the idea of ‘fiscal headroom’, and explains how the narrative that the economy has ‘turned the corner’ is built on plans for huge public sector cuts.
Energy, Tax, Welfare, Health

The economics of a U-turn

Fiscal Policy
This week, we explore the economics of Labour’s £28 billion green investment U-turn and the politics of borrowing to invest.
Climate change and inflation, Paradigm shift, Work, Inequality

Corruption, procurement and outsourcing

Public Services
This week, we explore corruption in the UK and whether eroded public sector capacity and a lack of regulation is creating the conditions for dodgy procurement deals, bribery, and fraud.
Business, industrial strategy, tax and fiscal policy, finance and welfare, inequality, devolution and local economies

What is the digital pound?

Monetary Policy
This week we explore the possibility of a digital pound and the risks and benefits of central bank digital currencies.
Fiscal policy and industrial strategy, Macroeconomics, Finance and regulation

Inflation and instability

Supply Chains
This week’s New Economy Brief looks at what happens to macroeconomic modelling and monetary policy institutions in a world where geopolitics and climate change create new challenges and regular supply shocks.
Industrial strategy, Inflation, Monetary policy, Tax, Work

Local authority finances

Local Economies
This week’s New Economy Brief explores the dire state of council finances, explains how asset sales could increase wealth extraction from local communities, and suggests better alternatives to repair local economies.
Inequality, Fiscal, Tax, Public health

The global minimum corporation tax

This week, New Economy Brief explores how the global minimum corporate tax rate of 15% came to be implemented, its possible effects, and limitations, and asks what more could be done to ensure global companies pay fair rates of tax.
Paradigm shift

The end of the fossil fuel era?

Climate Change
This week’s New Economy Brief looks at the outcome of the COP28 negotiations and how they might affect domestic UK climate policy and politics through and after the next general election.
Public services, Inflation, Climate change and energy, Tax, Welfare, Inequality

How to improve living standards

This week, we explore the severity of the UK’s living standards crisis and the solutions available to tackle it.
Climate change and inequality, industrial strategy, public services

What is 'full expensing'?

This week’s New Economy Brief explores the evidence on full expensing and asks if it is really the best way to boost investment, productivity and growth.
Industrial strategy, Energy, Monetary policy and inflation, Business, Housing and tax

Fiscal illusions? the Autumn Statement unpacked

Fiscal Policy
This week’s New Economy Brief unpacks the big stories from the Autumn Statement.
Climate change, Public services, Health, Local economies, Work

What do the public really think about the economy?

Fiscal Policy
This week New Economy Brief explores a recent study that tests how public opinion changes when people are given more information, and asks what conclusions we can draw about broader public opinion and media debates on the economy.
Climate change, Tax, Environment, Fiscal policy

The Autumn Statement and the state of public finances

Fiscal Policy
This week, ahead of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, we look at the the government's current spending plans for public services, how much investment is needed to maintain and rebuild them, and why doing so is necessary.
Industrial strategy and work, Fiscal policy, Energy, Climate change, Monetary policy

Trading away sovereignty?

This week's New Economy Brief looks at the debate around the inclusion of Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) in the UK’s most recent trade deal, the CPTPP.
Work, Climate change, Energy, Inequality, Regulation

The inequality of interest rates

Monetary Policy
This week’s New Economy Brief explores the impact of monetary policy on poverty and inequality, and why interest rates alone are too blunt a tool to tackle current inflation.
Paradigm shift, Inequality and climate change, Poverty, Tax, Fiscal policy and energy

How to fix the National Grid

Industrial Strategy
New Economy Brief looks at the why both parties have set out plans to reform the National Grid, surveys the UK energy system’s structural problems with ownership and extraction, and explores a new paper from Common Wealth which makes the case for public ownership.
Inflation, Monetary policy, Work, Inequality, Tax, Energy

Explaining Labour's economic policy

Fiscal Policy
This week’s New Economy Brief analyses Labour's economic programme announced at their party conference, and explores the politics of economic policy ahead of the general election.
Energy, Public services, Housing and Health, Poverty and Inequality

The Conservatives' new economic argument

Macroeconomic Policy
This week we map the contours of the ‘new approach’ outlined at Conservative Party Conference, and unpack what this tells us about the party’s economic message heading into an election year.
Fiscal policy, Tax, Welfare

Net Zero U-turns unpacked

Climate Change
This week’s New Economy Brief explores the economics and the politics of climate delay and explains why the government’s risky electoral strategy to pit net zero against the cost of living crisis may backfire.
Poverty and inequality, Monetary policy, Macroeconomics, Climate change and inflation, Industrial strategy

The NHS and fiscal health

This week’s New Economy Brief explores the debate about NHS funding and explains why public investment in healthcare is essential for public finances in the long-term.
Public services, Energy, Welfare, Industrial strategy, Housing

The Early Education and Childcare Coalition

Public Services
Will childcare decide the next election? This week’s Digest explores the launch of the Early Education and Childcare Coalition and why childcare is such a significant issue for voters.

A national investment fund?

Industrial Strategy
The UK is suffering from an investment gap - but how should the Government plug it? This week’s Digest explores a new proposal from the IPPR for a National Investment Fund and how ‘Dragon’s Den’ investment might be the key to green growth.
Paradigm shift, Fiscal policy, Public services, Work, Social security, Tax

The cost of living crisis and the general election

This week’s newsletter examines the politics of the cost of living by exploring new polling from Stop the Squeeze that takes an in-depth look into how voters are processing the policy debates around it, and how important the issue will be to the forthcoming general election.
Public services and local economies, Climate change and industrial strategy, Social security, Fiscal policy

A ‘triple lock’ on all social security?

Recent changes in inflation and average earnings figures have intensified scrutiny of the state pension ‘triple lock’. This week we explore whether working age social security payments should have a ‘triple lock’ of their own - a policy which new polling shows has broad political support.
Paradigm shift, Energy and inflation, Public services, Climate change and finance, Fiscal policy and tax

Should there be a windfall tax on banks?

Should there be a windfall tax on banks? This week’s New Economy Brief explores why banks are making huge profits, and the case for taxing them.
Business, Macroeconomics, Tax, Public Services

Developing 'Securonomics'

Paradigm Shift
The concept of economic security is gaining traction in British politics. But what would policy that backs up this rhetoric look like? This week’s New Economy Brief explores a new paper from JRF’s Graeme Cooke.
Fiscal policy, Inflation, Energy, Finance

Has carbon captured British politics?

Climate Change
Is carbon capture the pain-free route to Net Zero? This week, we explore the new political dividing lines on decarbonisation and whether carbon capture is merely a ‘distraction’.
Monetary policy and finance, Energy and competition policy, Welfare, Fiscal policy

What if all wages went up by inflation?

Could wages really be pegged to inflation? Would this cause a wage-price spiral? This week New Economy Brief looks at the system of wage-indexation in Belgium and asks whether there are any lessons that can be applied in a UK context.
Inflation and climate change, Regulation, Tax, Inequality, Paradigm shift, Public services and Social security

The 'two-child limit' debate

A punitive social security policy introduced by the DWP in 2017 has sparked a row in the Labour Party. This week’s New Economy Brief analyses the policy at the heart of the row, and outlines why many are pushing for its abolition.
Climate change and energy, Public services, Inequality and tax, Work, Fiscal policy, Housing

Why is Spanish inflation so low?

This week’s New Economy Brief explores the Spanish government's use of ‘unconventional fiscal policies’, their role in reducing inflation, and the lessons that can be learnt for other governments.
Energy and work, Industrial strategy, Public services, Tax, Local economies and finance

Thames Water and the ownership of utilities

As reports of Thames Water's potential collapse spread through the news, we explore the lessons from Thames Water, and what can (and can’t) be done about privatised utilities.
Public services, Tax and fiscal policy, Inflation and monetary policy, Welfare, Local economies

Disarming the 'mortgage timebomb'

Exploring the impact of rising rates on mortgages, the political fallout, the solutions being proposed by the main parties and some progressive alternatives. What does this all mean for the debate about how to tackle inflation?
Climate change, Inequality, Public services, Fiscal policy and tax, Housing

Interest rates and green investment

Can green investment be protected from rising borrowing costs? This week's New Economy Brief explores green credit guidance and its political uses for a government wanting to 'ramp up' green investment in the private sector.
Regulation, Fiscal policy, Environment and finance, Inflation, Industrial strategy,

Who owns land?

This week, we take a deep dive into the question of who owns land, the economic and political consequences of this, and what can be done about it.
Fiscal policy, Tax, Public services

Austerity, Covid and economic resilience

This week, we look at the TUC’s latest report on austerity and the pandemic and explore what Covid has taught us about economic resilience and public spending.
Regulation, Fiscal policy, Welfare, Tax

'Securonomics', explained

Industrial Strategy
With Rachel Reeves setting out her economic philosophy in a big speech in Washington last week, we take a deep dive into the origin and substance of Labour’s emerging economic policy.
Welfare, Tax, Housing, Inflation

The right to disconnect

This week we explore the ‘Right to Disconnect’, explain how and why this issue has shot up the agenda, and offer some thoughts about the evolving politics of workers’ rights.
Tax, Macroeconomic policy, Climate change,

Beyond Growth

Macroeconomic Policy
This week, we explore the economic arguments around growth and degrowth, and the limits of GDP. We also assess how far this idea has entered the political mainstream, and the barriers it still faces.
Energy, Monetary policy, Work, Tax, Public services

The future of inheritance tax

This week’s briefing explores the political and economic debate around inheritance tax, and examines the proposals for reform.
Local economies, Housing, Public services, Ownership, Climate change, Inequality

Public sector net worth

Fiscal Policy
In this week’s New Economy Brief we explain the economic rationale for measuring the net worth of the UK’s public sector, what doing so tells us about the public finances, and how this statistic could be used in the future to reshape fiscal policy.
Work, Fiscal policy, Public services, Inflation, Local economies

Pensions, risk and private investment

This week’s New Economy Brief looks at the debate over pension investments, including the growth of overseas ownership of UK businesses and infrastructure, and alternatives to the drive to leverage more private investment.
Inflation, Public services, Industrial strategy, Housing and inequalities, Local economies

AI, work and regulation

This week’s New Economy Brief explores the Government’s AI white paper, the impact of artificial intelligence on work, and the debate on AI regulation and its limitations.
Energy, Fiscal policy, Public services, Finance

The UK in the 'green arms race'

Industrial Strategy
This week’s New Economy Brief looks at the debate about whether the UK can, or should, compete with the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). We examine the IRA and how it is reshaping international trade and green industrial strategies in the EU and elsewhere, the UK government’s response, and calls for bolder action from Labour and others.
Energy and poverty, Inflation, Finance, Public services, Climate change

Monopoly capitalism?

Competition Policy
Are we sleep-walking into a new age of monopoly capitalism? This week’s New Economy Brief explores growing concerns about monopoly power and its effect on inflation, the climate crisis, and more.
Finance, Business, Tax, Social security, Poverty

Interest rate rises, choices and consequences

Monetary Policy
With financial crisis looming, speculation is rife about whether the Bank of England will stop hiking interest rates tomorrow. We look at the effect of higher interest rates on the economy, reviews proposals to reform monetary policy and alternative methods of combating inflation.
Work, Climate change, Tax, Public services and inequality

The Spring Budget

Fiscal Policy
This week’s New Economy Brief analyses the economic and political context for the Spring Budget. When the cost of living crisis continues to destabilise people’s incomes, can the government afford to fail to provide more support?
Finance, Housing, Work, Public services, Local economies,